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Solving Pain From the Root Cause

Having to live each day in pain and stiffness can be one of the most difficult things to go through. When the pain makes it hard to focus on your work or to simply enjoy life, you wonder when and if everything will become good.

But then finding the right answers that will work for you isn't always easy. There's the stress of doing exercises that don't work or make things worse or having to use painkillers just to get through the day.


But each of us is different, there's no same simple fix for everyone. We're unique and so are our bodies.


That's where our specialised physio comes in. It is what can find out your problem and diagnose it in detail from the root causes. And then solved with a personalised plan.


So if you're someone who has pain, tightness, or tingling, or if you find it hard to move and do your daily activities - I can definitely help you at Adrian's Physio Care. You can receive fast and effective treatment for the problems that threaten your ability to keep active, mobile and independent.


Not All Physio is the Same


The thing about physiotherapy, is there is such a huge variation between therapists. It's such a broad profession. 

Choosing a physio isn't like going to a dentist for a cleaning, or a GP for a health check up and medications.


For physio to be effective, it's rarely just a case of if X, then do Y. Or that if you have a certain condition then you just need to do this exercise and you will get better. This is not how the body works. It runs a lot deeper.

Physio is a problem solving process.


The problem takes into account the variations of your problem and your body that are never exactly the same as another patient.

Secondly, we work to achieve your specific needs and goals, which often vary.


And we solve problems with a deep knowledge of how the human body works and how it moves. Not only theoretical knowledge, but experiential - both working with patients and having experienced things within our own body. 

But that's not even going into treatment and exercise therapy, which is also a skill.


Physios often have a toolbox of treatment techniques, but the truth is, it's how we use them and adjust them for you or each unique patient that makes the difference. Part of this is actually the therapist's intent while they do the treatment (believe it or not).


If a physio can skilfully do this, the lines between the different treatment "tools" are blurred.


During a session, they are combined to get the desired outcome for you, which is much more important than the technique, tool or exercise itself. I actually think too many physios focus way too much on the tool, (doing the same thing in the same way for everyone) rather than the outcome that you as a patient need and want.


Sounding a bit too abstract?


An example: it's quite common for a patient to come in having already received a certain treatment or something similar for months and with minimal results. But after I do a similar type of treatment, the results are night and day.


That's why not all physio treatment is the same.


It's how the therapist does the treatment, their intent while doing it, and how they tailor them to you that makes them work. And we need to combine it with problem solving.


So you can see why physio treatment is not as simple as prescribing a medication or procedure.


At Adrian's Physio Care, I focus on excellence in problem solving and treatment together for specific conditions and needs of people 45 and older.

Physio As Important Primary Care



Maybe you've just injured yourself, or you've suffered chronic pain for years. Either way, it's very likely that I'll be able to get you feeling much better and being able to return to activities you've had to stop doing because of the pain.


My specialities are treating:


  • Shoulder Pain

  • Back Pain and Stiffness

  • Neck Pain and Stiffness

  • Leg Pain (hip, thigh, knee area)


...all WITHOUT painkillers, injections or dangerous surgery. Nowadays, many people have lost hope. They've tried different things that haven't worked.

Some have been failed by the standard medical system. As a big part of it is still unaware of how pain conditions really work and how to treat them properly. Or even how a good physio can go about treating many common conditions that patients have.


That's why physio is valuable as primary healthcare. Not only that, physio is all for making a person healthier and stronger. For prevention, and continuing to solve the problem holistically instead of waiting for an inevitable recurrence.


Medicine can be good at getting a person out of severe situations. But it often fails at what comes after that (solving causes), or even before that, so they wouldn't get as sick in the first place (prevention).


Consider this - a lot of severe pain conditions or those that have gotten to the point of needing surgery started off small and minor. Most people were probably not aware of how they could get it better before they reached that point, or that it was even important to.


Sometimes, it's just a lack of awareness, even among health professionals of better options. 


Unfortunately, many patients are just told to wait and rest as nothing can be done. Nobody has told them they don't have to suffer the side effects of standard medical treatments like painkillers, which rarely give good and lasting results.​


4-Step System of Physiotherapy Treatment


I've taken the best of everything I've learned to form my own system of treating pain and getting people better and more active. It's simple, yet goes very deep.


  1. Assessment - of your body to form a personalised treatment plan. Includes an Essential Movements assessment

  2. Restore: Targeted treatment guided by assessment, using Dynamic treatment to quickly help pain and symptoms.

  3. Optimise: Fix root causes of the problem and correct movement patterns, so you can improve further and not have pain come back

  4. Enhance: Make your body resilient and healthy. Be able to load Essential Movements, which translates to being able to do more of your activities even better and without getting injured.



There are a wide range of treatments I perform - for your joints, muscles, tissues - but it's all based on sound principles and individualised.


I perform a lot of hands-on treatment, especially in the beginning to more quickly reduce pain. I will know exactly where it hurts for you, or where things are stiff, not moving well and causing you problems.

It's not just any simple massage either, but techniques done in an efficient way. It's treatment based on a decision making process about your problem. 


You'll be able to get much more in 10 minutes of effective treatment, than a one and half hour whole body massage which may not even change your pain levels. To be honest that could even be harmful in some conditions such as inflammation where overstimulation in the wrong areas can hurt.


I also perform dry needling, which is similar to acupuncture but based on Western anatomy and physio principles. Acupuncture is based on Chinese medicine - it's esoteric and based on energy flows. That said I also have the sensitivity to see where your "energy" flow is blocked and will adjust where I put the needles and how long I leave them in for, on an individual case by case basis - rather than following set prescriptions. What does that mean for you? It means just like the rest of my physio treatment, my dry needling will give you the best results as it is tailored to you.


What about exercises?


When it comes to exercise guidance and coaching I've also trained my eyes to keenly observe exactly how you are doing the exercises. You'll know whether you are doing them correctly or using the right muscles to get their true effect. I also observe in real time what it's doing to you, and whether you've done too much.


When it comes to exercises to "Correct" your movement and treat pain, how you do the exercises and using the right muscles is often what will make it effective or not. Or worse, it may aggravate your pain if they're not right for you, or if done in an incorrect way.


One thing is certain - you can be rest assured I'm not just going to sit there watching you to do exercises you can do at home yourself. Whenever you do exercises at my clinic, it will be to provide real-time coaching and close guidance to make sure an exercise meets your needs. And that you know how to do it right while I'm here, so you can be confident you can do it well when you get home.


You'll even get "hands-on" exercise therapy which has the greatest effects for people in pain. It's where I provide the resistance through a whole movement as I see fit and apply forces to your body to improve the stability of your joints. If done on the right person, the results can be better than any other treatment.

Where Does It Hurt?
Click To Find Out More, or Get a Free Info-Kit

Neck Report+CD COMBINED.png
Back REPORT+CD combined.png

We understand you may also know you have a specific condition, such as  these that we very commonly see:


  • ​Disc bulges in the back or or neck (slipped or herniated discs)

  • Bursitis

  • Tendinitis / Tendinopathy

  • Rotator cuff tears

  • Frozen Shoulder

  • Arthritis

  • Sciatica

  • Pinched Nerve / Pins and Needles

  • Meniscus problems

  • Misaligned spine/ scoliosis


In any case, you'll receive a full assessment so we can see why you have these problems, as a medical diagnosis is just the end result of a deeper issue. We'll find what unique needs you have that will help us solve them.


And if there's any specific condition you have that isn't listed here and you have some questions about it, give us a call to find out if we can help you.


Contact us today to find out how you can keep active, mobile and independent well into your years, without painkillers, injections or surgery!



Want Some Help?


Enquire about availability, receive a free phone consultation or discovery session by contacting me on 0492 815 961 via SMS or Call.

100% Risk-free Guarantee: Any and all treatment at Adrian's Physio Care is backed by a 100% money back guarantee. We will make you satisfied or else you don't pay anything!

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